Hafi Termite Services Karachi Hafi Termite Services Karachi Termite Services Karachi Termites are small insects with segmented bodies that have a reputation for destroying any structure that is made from wood. Understanding the tastes of these insidious pests can help you to minimize the damage to your home or business property. Some scientists assert that these insects are related to the ancient cockroach, and their bodies appear to have traits similar to both roaches and ants. The soldier termite has a reddish tint to their head, and worker termites have translucent heads that are similar to their bodies. They will consume a large quantity of plants, feces, decaying leaves, and paper products. This is important to know because many of these other items may provide the termites with an initial attraction. Once they are in the area of your home, they may begin to smell the aroma of the wood inside the building. Termites and Wood Termites are primarily attracted to an...
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