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Cockroaches Control in Karachi

Cockroaches Control in Karachi

Control of Cockroaches in Karachi

A small but persistent cockroach, the roach is recognizable by a pair of distinctive longitudinal stripes behind the head. Roaches are typically brownish in color and range from one-half of an inch to five-eighths of an inch in length.
The smaller German roach have two stripes behind their heads and have a light/golden brown color. The Brown-Banded roaches have stripes along their wings. Both the German roach and Brown-Banded roach live and breed inside. The German roach is the most common of the smaller roaches and the most difficult to control. You find these roaches in places that have water or food such as kitchens and bathrooms. These roaches commonly live behind and under sinks, stoves, and refrigerators. In commercial kitchens, they can be found in floor drains. They live in dark places and are nocturnal. It is very common to spot these roaches when you enter a kitchen or bathroom and turn on the light. These small, golden brown roaches will be seen scampering along the counters.
Habitat and Entry
These roaches do not forage from the outside but travel from one apartment/ suite unit to the adjoining unit. They are brought inside or hitchhike in items such as luggage, boxes and grocery products. German roaches live and breed inside; they can live all season long since they are in a warm, comfortable environment. German roaches can be brought in via luggage, furniture, handbags, or boxes from an infested location. During the warmer months, they can move from building to building. In commercial settings, they can move from one connecting unit to the next thru drop ceilings and common plumbing and electrical elements.
Health hazards of the German roach and Brown-Banded roaches
Carrying bacteria that is transmitted to humans, German cockroaches, and Brown-banded cockroaches are health hazards. Get the service of Cockroaches Control in Karachi....


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