Termite Control in Home |
Information about Termite Control in Home
Termite Control in Home
Termites are detritivores, or detritus feeders. They feed on dead plants and trees. Termites get nutrients from cellulose, an organic fiber found in wood and plant matter. Wood makes up the majority of the pests diet although termites also eat other materials such as paper, plastic, and drywall.
You may think that since you live in a brick house you don’t need to get a yearly Chandler termite-inspection or to develop a termite control plan. But that’s an assumption that can end up costing you a lot. Because even though the exterior of your home may be made of brick, which termites do not eat your home will have a smorgasbord of good eats for termites throughout its structure.
In fact, no matter what the primary material of your home’s exterior structure, every home has plenty of materials inside and throughout to attract termites.
Termites primarily eat cellulose. That’s the organic material that is found inside trees, shrubs, plants, and even grass. Some termites eat grass, but most termites look for the materials in wood or in dead plant matter.
Scottsdale Termite-Removal and Control most homes have a wooden-frame, no matter what dresses the walls inside or out. Termites can burrow into that wood deep inside your home without you ever knowing until there is extensive damage. They also eat the cellulose found in drywall, sheet rock, wallpaper, the cardboard boxes you have stacked in your attic, and even the pile of newspaper you have in your garage.
There is no home that does not have plenty to offer termites to eat. So long as the conditions are right damp, humid, and dark termites will settle in and eat to their heart’s content.
You can’t avoid the presence of wood or cellulose in your home. But you can protect your home by ensuring that the wood that is inside is treated against termites. Hafi General Services provide the Termite-Control in Home and Commercial sectors.
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